BiG: Who? What? Why?
Who is BiG?
Here at BiG, we want to empower our local community to achieve their full potential. We recognise that children and young people are at the core of society. Thus BiG seeks to create change where it matters most, through the next generation of children and young people (CYP).
The origins of BiG
BiG was born out of a passion and energy to give back to the local community. Lionel Best, Founder and Director of Operations and Inspirational Life Coach, created big in 2011. After many years playing semi-professional football as well as working as a civil servant, Lionel recognised his calling as the needs of the community proved too great. By utilising skills of resilience and leadership, Lionel has been able to guide BiG members through a journey of self progression.
Why is BiG important?
Being engaged with BiG’s services teaches and equips you with the essential life skills you might not gain in school. A recent study revealed that the performance of younger works (Under 35 years old) ‘is twice as likely to be impacted by lack of motivation’ compared to older workers (45- 54 years old). With the impacts of COVID-19, we are recognising the greater emphasis on independent and virtual learning/work. To succeed independently, CYPs must be prepared with the necessary skills, such as knowledge, confidence, and organisational skills.
BiG’s primary role is to facilitate the positive progression of CYPs, ultimately ensuring them the best prospects in life. In a study by the Department for Business Innovation & Skills, data revealed that a big factor in motivation to learn was to gain employment or increase employability. The results showed that ‘almost one half of 18-24 year olds interviewed made reference to being motivated to learn in order to achieve career aspirations’. BiG understands the obstacles for CYPs created by a lack of work experience. We believe that everyone is entitled to opportunity, even though they might not have taken the conventional educational route. That is why our employability skills programme specifically targets young people between 16-24 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). We aim to change mindsets and develop transferable skills, creating a more employable individual.
Given the current climate, we understand that it can be a worrying time for children and young people. Though BiG is here to help you every step of the way, we won’t let our CYPs be hindered by COVID-19.
We want to know what you have struggled with during lockdown and tools needed to get back up on your feet again. Comment below!
Check out our website to see what current services we are still running through lockdown! Get motivated, think BiG!
““Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. “
Helen Keller - Blind and Deaf American Writer, Activist and Lecturer (1880-1968)”